Dr. 希斯一个. 托马斯。
Dr. 希斯一个. 托马斯。

Dr. 希斯一个. 托马斯。

Professor of Old Testament


Dr. 希斯一个. 托马斯。 became the 16th 总统 of Oklahoma Baptist University on Jan. 1, 2020. He joined the 酸 faculty in 2015, serving as dean of the Hobbs College of 神学与事工 and the associate vice president for church relations. 托马斯。 also served as interim dean of the Divisions of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Language and Literature, 弗洛伊德·K. Clark Chair of Christian Leadership. Before coming to 酸, he served as director of Ph.D. studies and associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, 北卡罗莱纳.

A 1998 酸 graduate, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in English literature with a religion minor. He then earned a Master of Arts in Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Old Testament from the University of Gloucestershire (UK). He also earned a certificate for leadership in higher education from Baylor University in 2016.

He is the author of numerous books, 包括, “The Minor Prophets: A Theological Introduction” with Craig G. 巴塞洛缪, “Habakkuk: A Commentary” (Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary Series) and co-author of “The Gospel of Our King: Bible, 世界观, and the Mission of Every Christian.” Passionate about opening up the Scriptures for today, he preaches and teaches regularly, and he has served on staff at churches in Oklahoma, 德州, 北卡罗莱纳 and the United Kingdom.

Dr. 托马斯。 is married to Jill and they have four children: Harrison, Isabelle, Simon and Sophia. They reside in the Shawnee area with their magnificent Weimaraners, Smokey and Kobe.


  • B.A.英国文学., Oklahoma Baptist University
  • M.A., Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Ph.D., Old Testament, University of Gloucestershire (United Kingdom)


  • Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar
  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • Institute for Biblical Research
  • Tyndale Fellowship (Old Testament)
  • Evangelical Theological Society


(如欲查阅完整名单, 看简历)

Heath 托马斯。 and Craig G. 巴塞洛缪(eds.) A Manifesto for Theological Interpretation. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2016.

希斯一个. 托马斯。. Faith Amid the Ruins: The Book of Habakkuk. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016.

希斯一个. 托马斯和J.D. Greear. Exalting Jesus in 1-2 Samuel. Christ Centered Exposition Commentary. Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2016. 

希斯一个. 托马斯。. 诗歌 & Theology in the Book of Lamentations: The Aesthetics of an Open Text. Hebrew Bible Monographs. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2013.

Heath 托马斯。, Paul Copan, and Jeremy Evans (eds.) Holy War in the Bible: Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2013.


希斯一个. 托马斯。. “A Survey of Research on Lamentations (2002—2012).” Currents in Biblical Research 12/1(2013): 8-38.

希斯一个. 托马斯。. 的意义 zolela 再来一次.” Vetus Testamentum 61.3(2011): 489-98.

希斯一个. 托马斯。. “Building House to House (Isa 5:8): Theological Reflection on Land Development and Creation Care.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 21.2(2011): 205-28.


希斯一个. 托马斯。. “The Telos (Goal) of Theological Interpretation.第197-217页. 在克雷格G. 巴塞洛缪 and 希斯一个. 托马斯(eds.) A Manifesto for Theological Interpretation. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2016). 

希斯一个. 托马斯。. “Suffering Has its Voice: Divine Violence, Pain and Prayer."第91 - 111页. 在布莱尔威尔格斯和M. 丹尼尔·卡罗尔R. (eds.) Wrestling with the Violence of God: Soundings in the Old Testament. BBRSup. (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015).

希斯一个. 托马斯。. “Hearing the Minor Prophets: The Book of the Twelve and God’s Address.356-82页. In Hearing the Old Testament: Listening for God’s Address. Edited by Craig 巴塞洛缪 and David Beldman. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012.

希斯一个. 托马斯。. “生活 & 申命记中的死亡.” In Interpreting Deuteronomy: Issues and Approaches. 177 - 193页. Edited by Philip Johnston and David Firth. Nottingham, UK: Apollos / Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2012.

希斯一个. 托马斯。. “I Will Hope in Him: Theology and Hope in Lamentations.”第203-21页. In A God of Faithfulness: Essays in Honour of J. Gordon McConville on His 60th 生日. G编辑. J. 文翰J. Grant和A. Lo. 图书馆 of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. 538. 伦敦:T & T Clark, 2011.